-Every one of your stocks is up. Your interest in orange futures skyrocketed after thouse tropical storms hit Florida. And you are now the majority shareholder for a box company in Tustin
- A bos company?
- Yes, they make boxes. Lucrative business. Everybody needs boxes. Wich reminds me your sneaker factory in Canada, ...
- I owna sneaker company in Canada?
- Well not anymore. It was destroyed in a fire last month
- Of course it was
- You might have read about it. Eight-something people died. But the good news is we over-insured it. It´s gonna yield you a windfall of cash and when we add in the generous settlements from the LAPD for your false arrest you´ve almost doubled your net worth. I still can imagine the police mistook you for a drug dealer, ...
- bad luck
- You are not the first lottery winner to believe the money is brought nothin but trouble. It´s in your head
- You don´t believ in jinxes? You know, curses
- I´m an accountant. I believ in numbres. Wher did you get it?
- What?
- The winning numbers. What´d you use? Somebody´s birthday? phone nuember?
- It´s nothing. It´s just something, ...
- What?
- That´s it. It´s not the money. It´s the numebers. The numbers are cursed. dude don´t look at me like that. I´m not crazy. It´s really, ...
- Listen at yourself. "The numbers are crused". You know there is no such thing as, ...
- A bos company?
- Yes, they make boxes. Lucrative business. Everybody needs boxes. Wich reminds me your sneaker factory in Canada, ...
- I owna sneaker company in Canada?
- Well not anymore. It was destroyed in a fire last month
- Of course it was
- You might have read about it. Eight-something people died. But the good news is we over-insured it. It´s gonna yield you a windfall of cash and when we add in the generous settlements from the LAPD for your false arrest you´ve almost doubled your net worth. I still can imagine the police mistook you for a drug dealer, ...
- bad luck
- You are not the first lottery winner to believe the money is brought nothin but trouble. It´s in your head
- You don´t believ in jinxes? You know, curses
- I´m an accountant. I believ in numbres. Wher did you get it?
- What?
- The winning numbers. What´d you use? Somebody´s birthday? phone nuember?
- It´s nothing. It´s just something, ...
- What?
- That´s it. It´s not the money. It´s the numebers. The numbers are cursed. dude don´t look at me like that. I´m not crazy. It´s really, ...
- Listen at yourself. "The numbers are crused". You know there is no such thing as, ...